
Class Layer

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.supermap.mapping.Layer
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name of the layer. The name of a layer is the unique identifier of this layer in a map. The identifier is not case-sensitive.
        The name of the layer.
      • toXML

        public java.lang.String toXML()
        Turns into XML
      • getCaption

        public java.lang.String getCaption()
        Returns the caption of this layer. The caption of the layer is the display name of the layer. For example in a layout or legend, the display name of the layer is actually the caption of the layer. It is different from the name of the layer.
        The title of the layer.
      • setCaption

        public void setCaption(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the caption of this layer. The caption of the layer is the display name of the layer. For example in a layout or legend, the display name of the layer is actually the caption of the layer. It is different from the name of the layer.
        value - Specifies the title of the layer.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns the description of a layer.
        The description of this layer.
        The default value is an empty string.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the description of this layer.
        value - Specifies the description of the layer.
      • getDataset

        public Dataset getDataset()
        Returns the dataset object of this layer. A layer references to a dataset, so a layer corresponds with a dataset.
        This layer corresponds to the dataset object.
      • GetTheme

        public Theme GetTheme()
        Gets the thematic objects of the thematic layer.
        Theme This layer corresponds to the thematic map object.
      • getTheme

        public Theme getTheme()
        Gets the thematic objects of the thematic layer.
        Theme This layer corresponds to the thematic map object.
      • getSelection

        public Selection getSelection()
        Returns the selection object of this layer. The selection is a collection and it contains one or more features that are selected in a layer. Only the features in the selection can be edited. Note that the selection only work on vector dataset. Grid datasets and image datasets don't have selection.
        The selection set object in this layer.
      • isSelectable

        public boolean isSelectable()
        Returns whether the objects in the specified layer are selectable.

        When you need to make some selections or queries on a layer, you need to set the layer to be selectable. When the layer is selectable, you can select the elements of interest, query its related attributes and statistical information.

        A Boolean value that indicates whether the object in the layer can be selected, true indicates that the object in this layer can be selected, false indicates that the object in this layer is not selectable.
        The default value is true, that is, the objects in the layer can be selected.
      • setSelectable

        public void setSelectable(boolean value)
        Sets whether the objects in the specified layer are selectable.

        true Indicates that the objects in this layer can be selected, false means that the objects in this layer are not selectable. When you need to make some selections or queries on a layer, you need to set the layer to be selectable. When the layer is selectable, you can select the elements of interest, query its related attributes and statistics.

        value - Specifies whether objects in the layer can be selected.
      • isEditable

        public boolean isEditable()
        Returns a value indicating whether this layer is editable. This method indicates whether you can edit the data that this layer references.

        When the layer is editable, it means that the data referenced by the layer can be modified and edited, through the layer, you can visualize the data editing. When you only want to render the data referenced by the layer or do not want to affect the original data, it is recommended that the layer is set to non-editable to avoid inadvertent operation to modify the data.

        The layer is editable and returns true; false otherwise.
      • setEditable

        public void setEditable(boolean value)
        Sets a value indicating whether this layer is editable. This method indicates whether you can edit the data that this layer references.

        When the layer is editable, it means that the data referenced by the layer can be modified and edited, through the layer, you can visualize the data editing. When you only want to render the data referenced by the layer or do not want to affect the original data, it is recommended that the layer is set to non-editable to avoid inadvertent operation to modify the data.

        value - Whether the layer is editable.
      • isSymbolScalable

        public boolean isSymbolScalable()
        Returns whether to allow scaling symbols with layer zoom.
        A Boolean value that indicates whether the symbol size of the layer is scaled with the graph, true, indicating that the symbol size of the layer is scaled with the graph, false, that does not scale with the graph.
        The default value is false, that is, the symbol size of the layer can not be scaled.
      • setSymbolScalable

        public void setSymbolScalable(boolean value)
        Sets whether to allow scaling symbols with layer zoom.
        value - Specifies whether the symbol size of the layer is scaled with the graph.
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible()
        Returns whether this layer is visible. It returns true if this layer is visible; otherwise it returns false.
        Whether the layer is visible.
        The default value is true. That layer visible.
      • setVisible

        public void setVisible(boolean value)
        Sets whether this layer is visible. It returns true if this layer is visible; otherwise it returns false.
        value - Specifies whether the layer is visible.
      • getAdditionalSetting

        public LayerSetting getAdditionalSetting()
        Returns the style setting of a common layer. The LayerSettingVector class is used to set and modify the style of the vector layer.
        Normal layer style settings.
      • getMaxVisibleScale

        public double getMaxVisibleScale()
        Returns the maximum visible scale of this layer. The maximum visible scale of a layer should not be negative. When current display scale of the map is equal to or larger than the maximum visible scale of this layer, this layer will not be displayed.
        The maximum visible scale of the layer.
        The default value is 0.
      • setMaxVisibleScale

        public void setMaxVisibleScale(double value)
        Returns the maximum visible scale of this layer. The maximum visible scale of a layer should not be negative. When current display scale of the map is equal to or larger than the maximum visible scale of this layer, this layer will not be displayed.
        value - Specifies the maximum visible scale for the layer.
      • getMinVisibleScale

        public double getMinVisibleScale()
        Returns the minimum visible scale of this Layer. The minimum visible scale of a layer should not be negative. When current display scale of the map is less than the minimum visible scale of this layer, this layer will not be displayed.
        The minimum visible scale of the layer.
        The default value is 0.
      • setAdditionalSetting

        public void setAdditionalSetting(LayerSetting layerSetting)
        Sets the style setting of a common layer. The style settings for vector data, grid data and image data are different. The LayerSettingVector class is used to set and modify the styles of the vector dataset.
        layerSetting - Normal layer style settings.
      • setMinVisibleScale

        public void setMinVisibleScale(double value)
        Sets the minimum visible scale of this Layer. The minimum visible scale of a layer should not be negative. When current display scale of the map is less than the minimum visible scale of this layer, this layer will not be displayed.
        value - Specifies the minimum visible scale for the layer.
      • getDisplayFilter

        public QueryParameter getDisplayFilter()
        Returns the specified filter condition for the layer display.
        QueryParameter The layer displays the filter criteria.
      • setDisplayFilter

        public void setDisplayFilter(QueryParameter queryParameter)
        Sets the specified filter condition for the layer display.
        queryParameter - The layer displays the filter criteria.
      • hitTest

        public Selection hitTest(Point2D pt, double tolerance)
        Returns the selected objects. If the distance of the nearest point on the objects from the point to be tested is within the specified tolerance, the object is selected. If the objects that satisfy the condition overlap, they will all be selected and returned.
        pt - To test the point, for the geographic coordinate point.
        tolerance - The specified margin is geographically long.
        The collection of selected objects.
      • hitTestEx

        public Selection hitTestEx(Point pt, int tolerance)
        Returns the selected objects. If the distance of the nearest point on the objects from the point to be tested is within the specified tolerance, the object is selected. If the objects that satisfy the condition overlap, they will all be selected and returned.
        pt - To test the point for the point on the screen.
        tolerance - Specify the tolerance for the screen coordinates.
        The collection of selected objects.
      • isVisibleScale

        public boolean isVisibleScale(double dScale)
        Returns a value indicating whether the specified scale is a visible scale. If the scale is within the minimum visible scale and the maximum visible scale of this layer, the scale is a visible scale.
        dScale - Specified display scale.
        The specified scale returns true for the visual scale; otherwise, false.
      • isDisposed

        public boolean isDisposed()
        Returns whether the object is disposed. If this method returns true, implementing the the methods of this class will throw an exception, which means the object has been disposed already.
        If the object has been released ,returns true; otherwise it returns false.
      • getParentGroup

        public LayerGroup getParentGroup()
        Gets the group layer the layer belongs to.
        object belongs to the grouping layer
      • setDataset

        public void setDataset(Dataset dataset)
        Sets the dataset associated with the layer. The dataset should be in the same workspace with the current map and the dataset type should be the same with the type of the original dataset. Otherwise, an exception will occur.
        dataset - Layer-related data sets
      • setOpaqueRate

        public void setOpaqueRate(int value)
        Sets the opacity of the layer.
        value - Opacity, 0-100.
      • removeCache

        public void removeCache()
        Clear the current display cache and refresh again
      • isSnapable

        public boolean isSnapable()
        Get if the layer is catchable.
        boolean Returns whether the layer can be captured, true indicates that the layer can be captured, false indicates that the layer is not catchable.
      • setSnapable

        public void setSnapable(boolean value)
        Set whether the layer can be captured.
        value - Whether the layer can be captured, true that the layer can be captured, false that the layer can not be captured.
      • getMinVisibleGeometrySize

        public double getMinVisibleGeometrySize()
        Returns the minimum display size of the geometry object, with the geometric object Bounds wide and the maximum height
        double Minimum display size
      • setMinVisibleGeometrySize

        public void setMinVisibleGeometrySize(double value)
        Set the minimum display size of the geometric object to the geometric object Bounds wide and high the maximum value
        value - Minimum display size
      • getByCaption

        public Layer getByCaption(java.lang.String caption)
        Gets the layer for the specified alias
        caption - Layer alias
        Specifies the layer of the alias
      • setIsSwipe

        public void setIsSwipe(boolean bSwipe)
        Sets whether to enable the Swipe feature
        bSwipe - whether to enable the Swipe feature. false is by default.
      • getIsSwipe

        public boolean getIsSwipe()
        Gets whether to enable the Swipe feature
        whether to enable the Swipe feature.
      • getLayerSettingVectorCache

        public LayerSettingVectorCache getLayerSettingVectorCache()
        Gets the setting style of the vector layer.
        Gets the setting style of the vector layer.
      • getSymbolScale

        public double getSymbolScale()
        Return the display scale of symbols. If the symbol does not zoom with zooming the map (SymbolScalable = False), the symbol size is Style.symbolsize. If the symbol zooms with zooming the map (SymbolScalable = True), the symbol size relates to the layer scale (generally consistent).
      • setSymbolScale

        public void setSymbolScale(double value)
        Return the display scale of symbols. If the symbol does not zoom with zooming the map (SymbolScalable =False), the symbol size is Style.symbolsize. If the symbol zooms with zooming the map (SymbolScalable = True), the symbol size relates to the layer scale (generally consistent).
        value - whether the symbol zooms with zooming the map
      • IsTimeFilterEnable

        public boolean IsTimeFilterEnable()
        Returns whether to enable the time filter of the layer . True means yes. False is by default.
      • setTimeFilterEnable

        public void setTimeFilterEnable(boolean bEnable)
        Sets whether to enable the time filter of the layer . True means yes.
      • getTimeStartField

        public java.lang.String getTimeStartField()
        The temporal data must have time attributes to represent the observed starting time and ending time. The interface is used for returning the field that records all starting times.
      • setTimeStartField

        public void setTimeStartField(java.lang.String strField)
        The temporal data must have time attributes to represent the observed starting time and ending time. The interface is used for setting the field that records all starting times.
      • getTimeEndField

        public java.lang.String getTimeEndField()
        The temporal data must have time attributes to represent the observed starting time and ending time. The interface is used for returning the field that records all ending times.
      • setTimeEndField

        public void setTimeEndField(java.lang.String strField)
        The temporal data must have time attributes to represent the observed starting time and ending time. The interface is used for setting the field that records all ending times.
      • getTimeFilterStarting

        public java.util.Date getTimeFilterStarting()
        Returns the starting time of the filter expression of the layer time.
      • setTimeFilterStarting

        public void setTimeFilterStarting(java.util.Date startTime)
        Sets the starting time of the filter expression of the layer time.
      • getTimeFilterEnding

        public java.util.Date getTimeFilterEnding()
        Returns the ending time of the filter expression of the layer time.
      • setTimeFilterEnding

        public void setTimeFilterEnding(java.util.Date endTime)
        Sets the ending time of the filter expression of the layer time.
      • getTimeStepInterval

        public TimeSpan getTimeStepInterval()
        Returns the time step interval of the temporal data
      • setTimeStepInterval

        public void setTimeStepInterval(TimeSpan timeSpan)
        Sets the time step interval of the temporal data
      • setDeduplicateEnabled

        public void setDeduplicateEnabled(java.lang.Boolean value)
        Sets whether to rarefy
        value - Whether to rarefy
      • isDeduplicateEnabled

        public java.lang.Boolean isDeduplicateEnabled()
        Gets whether to rarefy
        whether to rarefy.
      • setFastDrawEnabled

        public void setFastDrawEnabled(java.lang.Boolean value)
        Sets whether to use the quickly drawing mode. No is by default. The mode is used for zooming big data layers.
        value - whether to use the quickly drawing mode
      • isFastDrawEnabled

        public java.lang.Boolean isFastDrawEnabled()
        Gets whether to use the quickly drawing mode. No is by default. The mode is used for zooming big data layers.
        whether to use the quickly drawing mode
      • setFastDrawDataModefied

        public void setFastDrawDataModefied(boolean isModefied)
        When data changes in the quickly drawing mode, call the interface to refresh layer data. The interface can't work in other modes.
        isModefied - whether data changes
      • setDeduplicateTolerance

        public void setDeduplicateTolerance(double value)
        Sets the rarefied tolerance. Unit is pixel.
        value - the rarefied tolerance
      • getDeduplicateTolerance

        public double getDeduplicateTolerance()
        Gets the rarefied tolerance. Unit is pixel.
        the rarefied tolerance
      • setDeduplicateThreshold

        public void setDeduplicateThreshold(int value)
        Sets the rarefied threshold value. Unit is the number of points
        value - the number of points
      • getDeduplicateThreshold

        public int getDeduplicateThreshold()
        Get the dilution threshold in the number of points.
        Count of points
      • setLabelDisplayArea

        public void setLabelDisplayArea(GeoRegion region)
        Set the scope of label display
        region -
      • getLabelDisplayArea

        public GeoRegion getLabelDisplayArea()
        Get the display range of the label
      • setLabelDisplayAreaEnable

        public void setLabelDisplayAreaEnable(boolean value)
        Set whether the label is displayed in the range
        value -
      • isLabelDisplayAreaEnable

        public boolean isLabelDisplayAreaEnable()
        Get the label whether the range is displayed
      • setLayerWeight

        public void setLayerWeight(int value)
        Setting the layer weight is only valid for the label layer. You need to turn on the top display of the label.
        value - int
      • getLayerWeight

        public int getLayerWeight()
        Get layer weights
        Layer Weight Values
      • setWebTileMaxLevel

        public void setWebTileMaxLevel(int level)
        Set the network data set to maximize the tile display level. Eg: There are 19 tiles in the vector layer of the sky map, of which level 19 is the blank layer. By setting setWebTileMaxLevel (18), it is possible not to display 19-level tiles, and the magnification map can continue to use 18-level tiles. This function requires turning on Map.setLayerHierarchic(true), which is only valid for WMTS services.
        level -
      • getWebTileMaxLevel

        public int getWebTileMaxLevel()
        Get the network data set, the maximum tile display level. Return -1 indicates the default value.
      • getClipRegion

        public GeoRegion getClipRegion()
        Returns the cropping area of the layer.
        Returns the cropping area of the layer.
      • setClipRegion

        public void setClipRegion(GeoRegion geoRegion)
        Set the crop area of the layer.
        geoRegion - The cropping area of the layer.
      • setClipRegionEnabled

        public void setClipRegionEnabled(boolean value)
        Set whether the cropping area is valid.
        value - A Boolean value specifies whether the cropping area is valid, true means valid, and false means invalid.